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Home Find a Business Opportunity Business category: Constructions Romanian company is looking for a partner to ...

Romanian company is looking for a partner to cofinance the building of an innovative bentonite factory

Financial partner Business category: Constructions Updated on: 17.12.2014
Investment value: € 700,000
Opportunity description


Romanian company, beneficiary of a project grant, with total value of 3,000,000 Euro, of which 1.5 million Euro are grants from the EU (according to the project already in progress) is looking for a partner to complete and develop a business investment.


The current owner of the project is able to provide financing of 800,000 Euro, and is looking for a financial partner to co-finance the project with the sum of 1,400,000 Euro, of which 700,000 Euro are co-financing their contribution up to the amount of 1,500,000 Euro and 700,000 Euro for short-term financing of the rest of VAT for the project.


The project has as purpose the construction of production and storage facilities, the purchase of  necessary equipment and machinery as well as development and implementation of an innovative technology that is based on bentonite using microwave drying. This technology is simple, ecological and does not involve high energy consumption. Drying, enabling simultaneous microwave is a new technology, unmatched in other bentonite plant in Europe, which was successfully tested in laboratories and by implementating it, a low production cost and sustainable development can be ensured.

The company has ownership of of 1.25 ha where the plant will be developed, a planning certificate is already approved.


The raw material is located near the location which has access to electricity and easy access to road and railways.

One prospective business partner is interested in this listing!
Last year's turnover:   € 280,000   Last year's profit   € 10,000
Startup date   1991   Beneficiile oferite potentialului partener   The investor will own shares in the company
Employees   20
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RBEX Representative
ARSENE Valentina
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +4 021 266 56 77
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