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Home Romania Mexico trade amounts to some USD 400 mln a year

Added on September 16, 2014


Romania Mexico trade amounts to some USD 400 mln a year


Trade between Romanian and Mexico has increased fourfold since Romania’s entry into the European Union, under the Mexico-EU Free Trade Agreement.



“The amount of total trade between the two countries during 2013 was almost USD 400 million. About 50% of our trade is centered on auto-parts,” said Agustin Gutierrez Canet, Mexico’s Ambassador to Romania.

He added that the economic relationship is far from reaching the potential of two open market economies with geostrategic locations and thriving deregulatory markets.


“On one hand, Romania is a member of the European Union with a strategic role in the Black Sea region and is a bridge to Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Mexico, on the other hand, is at the core of a network of 13 Free Trade Agreements with 44 countries, in particular with the North American market and the Pacific Alliance.”


According to data from the Mexican Embassy, in 2012, more than 3,000 Mexicans visited Romania and more that 10,000 Romanians traveled to Mexico. “In this regard, we have been working to increase the flow of visitors on both sides. We have participated in tourism fairs in Romania and Europe, as well as met representatives of the major travel agencies in order to promote Mexico as a tourist destination, especially the Mayan Riviera,” said Agustin Gutierrez Canet.


Mexico today celebrates its National Day or Independence Day. On September 16, 1810, the Mexicans started their revolt against the Spaniards.



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